112422528352544116372334193912740313920232107131726292130331443384283612615181 Founders of record label Uncanny Valley. 2 Monsanto High for Vice. 3 Fragmentiert. 4-7 Albrecht Wassersleben, DJ and promoter. 8-12 Carl Suspect, DJ and designer. 13-15 Conrad Kaden, DJ. 16+17 Credit 00, producer, DJ and record label owner. 18-20 DJ Balduin, DJ and producer, label owner and designer. 21 LP cover, GOTT on Uncanny Valley. 22 GOTT, EBM music project. 23+24 Markus Krasselt and Georg Habicht, producer. 25-27 Panthera Krause, DJ and producer. 28-29 Perm, DJ and producer. 30-33 Philipp Demankowski, DJ. 34 Warm Graves. 35 LP cover, Crawler Crossing by CV-Box for Uncanny Valley. 36 Flexible Heart for MIDI. 37+38 Marcel Koar for MIDI. 39 AGY3NA for Riotvan. 40 Robison Friday for MIDI. 41 Albrecht Wassersleben for MIDI. 42+43 Anna Adams for MIDI.